Sunday, January 28, 2007

I buy things ahead of time -- mostly birthday cards and/or gifts. I used to find the "perfect" item for someone and bank the idea for later. Then, when it was time to purchase the item, the store would usually be out, that is, if I could remember where I saw it in the first place.

So now, if I have the $$, I purchase that perfect item and then stash it for the occasion I bought it for. Trouble with this logic is ... I usually forget I have it or, I hate to admit, I can't find what I did with it!

Case-in-point: Here it is almost the end of January, and I still have my '06 calendar on my fridge. Oh, I have a 2007 calendar alright; I just can't find it!! I bought it in mid-December and distinctly remember putting it somewhere where it would be easy to find, since I'd need it shortly.

I have no idea what I did with it...

Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm looking forward to a nice long weekend. I have one vacation day carried over from '06 which has to be used up by Jan. 31. So, Monday is the lucky winner!

Hhmm, what shall I do with my day off? Sleep late.... no, watch soap operas all day ... no, watch Lifetime movies all day ... no, sleep all day ...

Actually, I'll probably mop the floor, clean the kitchen cabinet doors, and anything else I've had in the back of my mind.

Seriously... I don't know how to relax!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Well, after 25 years (more than half her life) it's divorce for my dear friend...

He's not in love with her. Hasn't been for a long time. It's not her, it's him. She did nothing wrong. yadda yadda yadda

I must say I am really proud that she realizes begging him to stay is not the answer.

He is staying in a hotel until he finds a place to rent.

I'm there for her as best I can (long phone calls and e-mails), but boy do I wish I was closer.

She'll get through this. She is stronger than she realizes, but she has many friends to remind her of that and give her the support she needs.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Received in an e-mail. Author unknown.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Hubby sometimes picks up a bouquet of flowers so that we have some color and life in the house (well, that's my reasoning -- I don't know his). I like it best when he picks up a mixed bouquet ... although it's always red roses on our anniversary and my birthday (he's so predictable, it's cute).

We went shopping together over the weekend.

His pick:

My pick:

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My Christmas Gifts

The picture is a little blurry (sorry), but I thought I'd share a couple of the gifts my husband bought for me; a pair of heavy-duty hiking boots and a retractable walking stick.

I already have a pair of hiking boots, but these heavier-duty ones are better-suited for our planned hike this year up Mt. Katahdin in Maine. It is one end of the Apalachian Trail (either the beginning of the trail or the end of the trail - depending on which end you start at). It is nasty, so I'm told, and you'll understand the need for special boots and stick if you watch this video.

He bought a hiking stick that retracts so I can pack it for the plane ride. My husband really put some thought into these gifts, I'll tell ya!! Aren't I lucky? (I say that with a ton of sarcasm)

Now the local hikes begin - because we have to break our boots in. The big hike hasn't been scheduled yet. Our friend in Maine makes all those plans. But, whenever it is, I have to start getting into shape NOW. It is not recommended to just saunter up this mountain without cardio training and toning up the muscles. No, I haven't started training yet. LOL (wait, why am I laughing??)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

feeling melancholy

A family member whom I love very much is going through a tough time; no fault of her own. If I were close enough, I'd be by her side right now. No talking necessary, just to give her strength and support by my presence.

Her husband is going through a mid-life crisis. Not sure, after 20 years of marriage, that he wants to be married anymore. No affair. No drugs involved. Just thinks he wants to be alone now. He is currently at a hotel, and she is sitting in their house all alone. They recently moved, so she has no friends or family there.

She is crushed. And now starting to get angry, which I think she is entitled to. At first I was sympathetic to his problems (feeling overwhelmed with responsibility) and I do hope he works through them, but I am now getting mad and don't understand how he can be so cruel. She did nothing to deserve this.

I hope he comes to his senses. All I can do is hope.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Raindrops keep falling on my head

I was in the car waiting on hubby (ran into the store for a newspaper). I looked up and decided to take a pic of the raindrops hitting the sunroof....

P.S. Hubby thought I was nuts (taking this pic). Nothing new there (thinking I'm nuts).
P.P.S. Wow. It's really coming down as I type this... and it just started thundering and lightening. We got home just in time :o)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Last of the pics of Germany

of a little town along the Rhine...

check out the house at the top of the hill!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ok, you guys had me second-guessing myself that I was calling it the correct name, so I had to google it!!


P.S. neither of us are British ... It's not a tradition for us ...this is the first time we made it.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Ebay bug has hit our house

Hubby has a zillion "collectible" cars. Okay, maybe a zillion is an exaggeration ... but definitely a couple of hundred thousand :o) (I put "collectible" in quotes because I recognize they are only worth something if you find a buyer for them ... while my husband just plain thinks they are valuable --- get the difference?)

Without a basement in this house, all this junk has been in his way and he finally realizes he has to do something with all of it. And, since he basically has only his office and garage to display all this stuff, he finally concluded he must get rid of a good portion of it. (Oh, don't feel sorry for him... we've been dragging this stuff through three homes and they've never made it out of the moving boxes...)

Anyway, the first lot of four items went on e-bay starting at $19.99. The final bid that won was $53! I was impressed.

I know it won't always work out like that, but what a positive way to start on e-bay!

We enjoyed our New Year celebration this year. My parents stopped on their way down to FL. They arrived Friday and stayed until Monday. We made a nice dinner for New Year's Eve... prime rib, yorkshire pudding, veggie, mashed potatoes and cheesecake for dessert.

We played cards until 1:00am and, of course, rang in the new year with champagne :o)

The best part for me was being able to do everything for my parents while they just sat back and relaxed, although I know it was a little difficult for my mother to just sit and not do anything!

I think they really enjoyed their visit with us. I know they miss us a lot, as we only get to NY maybe twice a year.

Monday, January 01, 2007

What a great idea.... posting the first sentence of the first post of each month in 2006. And, Yvonne took it one step further and added the last sentence of each month. It was very interesting!

I'm curious how mine will read ....

JANUARY: I think a record was set .... the most comments on one of my posts yet!!!

FEBRUARY: I pulled into the gas station tonight and couldn't believe my eyes.

MARCH: OMG. I sure hope it is all worth it!

APRIL: Actually, that's a good thing.

MAY: One usually looks forward to holiday weekends.

JUNE: I wonder where tonight's post will take me.

JULY: All weekend I've had thoughts racing through my mind.

AUGUST: I found another route to work.

SEPTEMBER: An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

OCTOBER: Are ALL flights going into Atlanta delayed, or is it just mine?!?!?!

NOVEMBER: ... the leaves have finally changed here!!

DECEMBER: How did it get to be December 1st already?

And, now for the last sentence of each month in 2006...

JANUARY: They are dated in the early 1800's and there obviously wasn't a road there originally.

FEBRUARY: I don't know when I'll hear something.....

MARCH: This is the view outside my cousin's new home in N.M.

APRIL: And, here's a sight you don't see at a ballfield very often:

MAY: So.... bye!

JUNE: AAWWWW, I just couldn't resist, and I wanted to post a clearer picture for someone :o)

JULY: Have a good one everybody!

AUGUST: A little crooked, but I actually got the horses in the shot!! lol

SEPTEMBER: I'm getting into the swing of things by filling my home with autumn colors and the scent of autumn leaves (mind you, I cannot smell it but my husband can).

OCTOBER: A little crisp, but working up a sweat kept us warm!

NOVEMBER: This shot is overlooking the city of Cologne on the Rhine, from the cathedral tower we climbed up.

DECEMBER: It's going to be hard not to peak!!

That was fun!!

Going back into the archives made me realize that I've been blogging for two years. Where does the time go??