Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sugar, Sugar

by The Archies

There is a new oldies station that I tune to during my commute home from work. Tonight I was a bit stressed when I left the office (which I hate to admit ... but I guess I'm only human and the job is going to get to me at times). Anyway, "Sugar, Sugar" came on. It immediately transported me back in time and my (slight) troubles washed away. It brought me back to the carefree days of my childhood. Amazing how one little, simple song could do that!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An uneventful day, as far as things go, however I did notice something... For being so overworked (her constant complaint), this woman sure spends a lot of time talking, goofing off, just generally being away from her desk, especially between 11am-1pm --- yet she doesn't "take" a lunch. I'm not quite sure how her food is getting prepared, heated, and to her desk. It's a miracle, I tell you.

It's also funny how she can get upset that I take my full hour lunch and leave on time. Arriving on time and actually working the full day might have something to do with that, in a rational person's mind anyway.

Our manager is out of town tomorrow and Friday. I can already guess what's going to happen. Absolutely nothing. She will be useless. But what's the difference, because he doesn't do anything to control the situation when he's here...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

She came in today because she "just couldn't stand staying in bed one more day." When she arrived (late), she had to b*tch -- all day -- about how she still can't keep anything down, blah, blah, blah. (oh, and she left 1 1/2 hours early to go to the dentist - a previously scheduled appt. Guess her tummy was up for the endurance)

This woman acts as if she's the only one with problems. You know the type; making every ache and pain and gripe known to the universe. I am so the opposite -- with the exception of this blog ;o). But, speaking specifically about work, no one ever knows what, if anything, is going wrong in my life. It's extremely unprofessional. One compliment I received once was a caller asking me if I'm ever in a bad mood - because, she said, I always sound like I have a smile on my face.... Praise I can guarantee she has never gotten. LOL

P.S. Our human resource representative is in the office this week (we are a regional office and he visits once a month) ... I'm debating whether I should speak to the manager first or ask for a meeting with the manager and the HR rep. I best speak to the manager first -- go through the proper channels ...

Monday, March 10, 2008

She called out today (!) (I assume "sick")

Yeah, she's sick alright!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Quick post to those of you who might be concerned about Day 5 at work. She was in an absolutely wonderful mood all day. Laughing and joking and carrying on ALL day. What's up with that??? I shouldn't question it, because it was a most pleasant day -- but they are so few and far between!!

However, that's not the best part. We had a raffle, and I won two tickets to the NASCAR race this Sunday here in Atlanta. It includes the Kobalt (Lowes) hospitality tent, the big sponsor of this race. Not that winning so great for me per say but, since hubby was in Daytona at the time of the Daytona 500 and didn't get to go, maybe he'll enjoy this.

Woke up to it snowing (again) today. Crazy weather. Just absolutely crazy.

Our friends from Maine are coming to visit at the end of the week. Should be loads of fun.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Today was Day 4 of the new internal structure, and it was bad. Forgive me for talking about it here, but I figure this is the safest way to sound off ... so that I remain professional at work.

The other woman in my department must be manic depressive. I have never seen anyone with such highs and such lows. I grew up with my mother being extremely moody. I had to put up with it then, but I do not have to - and will not - put up with it now. Especially in a work situation.

She has been irritable all week. You know, the nasty under-the-breath type comments. The comments and the attitude have continued to get worse, and today was the boiling point. Mind you, I know none of her ravings are aimed directly toward me -- but it makes for such an unpleasant working environment!

Our manager called her in to the conference room this morning. They were in there for 45 minutes. When she came out, she went to talk to someone in the sales dept. (another irrational woman) to discuss a work situation. She returned to the department and the "sales" woman came down shortly after and they got into a heated discussion. Right outside my door!!

When I returned from lunch, my coworker was out to lunch (something she never does, but should do because we all know you need to take that break at work - and that might be part of her problem). Well, when I say she returned from lunch a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WOMAN, I am not talking her appearance. Her mood was ridiculously silly! If I didn't know any better, I'd swear she had a liquid lunch!!

Thank goodness hubby came home a day early. He had just pulled in to the garage when I rounded the corner and pulled in to the driveway :o) The only problem with this is it feels like Friday night(!), but I have to endure another day at work!

Monday, March 03, 2008


Well, the dreaded Monday has come and gone. It was a bit stressful; something I haven't experienced in quite some time! I'm sure things will settle down. Change never seems to be easy, and it is especially difficult since everyone in the office is affected ....

I didn't have a glass of wine when I came home from work (ha!), though the thought occurred to me this afternoon.

Instead I'll watch some of the Osmond 50th Anniversary special on PBS... is that too corny?! Hey! I'm from the Donny & Marie era!