Saturday, January 13, 2007

feeling melancholy

A family member whom I love very much is going through a tough time; no fault of her own. If I were close enough, I'd be by her side right now. No talking necessary, just to give her strength and support by my presence.

Her husband is going through a mid-life crisis. Not sure, after 20 years of marriage, that he wants to be married anymore. No affair. No drugs involved. Just thinks he wants to be alone now. He is currently at a hotel, and she is sitting in their house all alone. They recently moved, so she has no friends or family there.

She is crushed. And now starting to get angry, which I think she is entitled to. At first I was sympathetic to his problems (feeling overwhelmed with responsibility) and I do hope he works through them, but I am now getting mad and don't understand how he can be so cruel. She did nothing to deserve this.

I hope he comes to his senses. All I can do is hope.


At January 14, 2007 2:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a skeptic.

There is either another woman, or a man

(for her sake I hope it is a woman)

At January 14, 2007 11:56 AM, Blogger Bobbi said...

yeah, I know. I have to admit I'm really with you there ... but, I'm trying to keep the optismism for her sake.

She said she wishes she could be more like me. I will admit I am stronger. It would hurt, no lie, but I would tell my husband to have a nice life ---- and he knows that's what I'd say!

At January 14, 2007 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is with these men and their "midlife crisis'? No doubt there is someone else - but for her sake, I hope there isn't. I have a friend (in GA, actually) whos husband moved her and the 2 kids down there for a job transfer - then 3 years later decided the same thing. In her case, there really was no one else - he was just a big baby that needed his "space". Space meaning he wanted to shuck his responsibilities. Keep us posted.


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