Saturday, April 28, 2007

Tag Sale / Yard Sale / Garage Sale

I believe I blogged about this once before, but here goes again...

It seems the temperament of buyers is different in each state. It is so hard to know how to price things until you've been through it once.

In Connecticut's "tag sale," we priced everything ridiculously cheap in order to get rid of the stuff (we were moving and wanted to lighten the load). We even cleaned everything. It was all in good shape. Lots of things sold, but they got a steal on the items. (Our fault) There were some people, no matter what the price, that wanted it for cheaper (obviously expert bargain hunters). Even still, we realized we had everything priced too low because hardly anyone had to barter. We probably could have gotten a little more $$ for the items.

Next was Indiana "yard sale." We decided to price a little higher, assuming they would bargain down. Well, they didn't. They all walked through and looked, but didn't say anything like, "will you take $2?" So that tag sale was a bust.

Currently Georgia. This past Friday & Saturday was the spring "garage sale" in our development. There are two community sales a year - one spring, one fall. We were unable to participate Friday due to work, so Saturday was our only day selling. We could have used Friday to gauge how our prices were and adjust them accordingly for Saturday.

Well, basically, everyone drove by and "scanned" what was displayed. We only had a few cars actually stop to get out and look. Weird! I assume peope were looking for specific items (furniture and the like).

We sold a pillow. That was it. I think I will price everything a buck during the fall sale and donate it if it does not sell during that one. No sense hanging on to stuff just to try to make a couple bucks. If I want the $$, I could try e-bay.

The whole day wasn't a waste, however. We went to a car show. I'm not particularly fond of looking at cars (what's the big deal?), but it was a beautiful day to be outside, and it was held at a nice park. I even got some color on my arms and face.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

They flew the coop

... but not before I got a pic. (held my camera phone up over the hanging pot)

...update.... daddy looked like this:; 1999, 2000 by Greg Pfremmer

Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm long overdue for a good post. I'm not saying this is going to be it, though LOL. But, I realize if I don't post something soon, I may be in jeopardy of losing the two (that I know of) loyal readers! Hello Yvonne and Pam :o)

I think I'm going to try the bullet thing:

  • I read some of my early posts. It was awfully fun looking back and remembering some of that stuff. And the pictures. They were great. Recently I was thinking it's such a copout to post so many pics and not so many words, but I'm glad I post so many pics now. They bring back lots of memories.
  • My latest recording for the radio station was bad. I read two articles; one on Spain and one on Italy. I believe most people take Spanish in high school. However, I did not. I took many, many, many years of French. Needless to say, my Spanish is non-existent except for a few stupid things my friend taught me. "Que hora es?" "Piensas estoy loca?" and the like (I know they're not spelled correctly - and I probably don't say them well either) ANYWAY, I will be embarrassed when that recording airs.... because I know I butchered the Spanish town, restaurant and street names. Oh, and I think I'm going to take a little break from the radio station, but I do plan to go back soon.
  • The neighborhood is probably calling me "the bird lady." OMG I counted over a dozen goldfinches before I left for work yesterday, and more showed up as I walked by the window the last time before getting into my car. So there was well over twenty! Other regulars are cardinals, doves, bluebirds, a woodpecker, hummingbirds, a chicadee every once in a while, and some others I don't recognize (I have to get a book on southern birds to identify them). We also have a nest of housefinches in our hanging plant. I thought they were purple finches, but learned in a recent newspaper article that purple finch are in the north (where I'm from) and these are housefinches, which are often mistaken for purple finches. I'm like a proud momma watching them grow, but it makes watering the plant interesting.
  • Work is VERY busy. My one-year anniversary is coming up already. Time goes so fast. I still don't know if I'll stay forever. Well, there is no guarantee that any job will last ... it is beyond our control ... but, I might look to see what else is out there on my own. I did get an unexpected raise about a month ago, which they said is in addition to anything I might get during my annual review. That's good, at least!
  • I really miss my coworker who relocated to San Francisco. I've been planning a trip to visit family in San Jose and hope to visit San Fran, too. It's been a lloonngg time since I've been to CA. But, hubby will be in Charleston, SC, on business and I so want to go there. I'm looking forward to that. I have to get the dates and put in for a day or two vacation. Starting at the bottom of the heap is hard for me when it comes to vacation time. Everyone who's been there a while already has their "set" vacation, and we newbies kind of get what's left over!
  • My cousin has her strong days, but it's been a very difficult time - which goes without saying. I talk to her lots.
  • We received a newsletter from our homeowners' association. In it, they announced the dates of our semi-annual tag sale-yard sale-garage sale. It's Friday and Saturday, April 27 & 28. Thanks for the advance notice. I guess they forgot people work and need more time to prepare. And, what's with having it on FRIDAY and Saturday? Again, I guess they forgot some people work!
  • We bought two mandevilla vines to plant at the back of the fence. It's all trial and error to see what does well and what doesn't. This Georgia red clay is a killer.

Pretty good for not knowing what I was going to talk about today! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My coworkers were chuckling at me and started mimicking today. Let me just say ... southerners can't do a New York accent any better than a New Yorker can pull off a southern accent.

It took a few minutes before I realized I was tawking more like my old self ... and it was because I had spoken to my good friend the night before.

..... Remind me to talk to her more often ..... LOL

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's late, and I'm tired. But, I wanted to post something so that "Happy Easter" wasn't at the top of my blog anymore!

There has been a huge debate at my house on what bird nested in one of our hanging planters. We are keeping our distance but, because of that, we could not get a good look. Any time we walked near it, we saw a quick flash of brown.

Tonight, however, I was on a step ladder fiddling with my curtain and unexpectedly caught mama FINCH fly to the planter and was thrilled to watch her feed her babies. (Boy did they stretch their heads high and open their big mouths wide!!)

Mystery solved.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter, everyone!

distributed thru e-mail. origin unknown.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hail storm

Not to diminish my amazing winning-streak story (see post below this one)... but look at the size of this hail from tonight's storm that passed through!! There is no trick photography involved.

Next stop, Vegas?

On a whim, I purchased one square in the superbowl pool ... and won one of the quarters.

Then, our office had a basketball pool, and I joked I'd contribute to the cause ... because I didn't think I had a chance in h--l of winning. Well, guess what? Yup, I won the pool.

All the men are in awe of my vast knowledge of sports. Well, maybe not in awe, but they joked that I'm not allowed to partake in any more office pools! LOL Oh, and the guys honestly thought I'd treat to happy hour? Come on, where are their priorities? Baby needs a new pair of shoes! hahahahaha

So, perhaps I should strike while the iron is hot...... Vegas, anyone??

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Baseball Season is Upon Us

Somebody help me ... please!