Sunday, October 30, 2005

LOL ... having lived in Indiana, I forgot all about daylight saving time! We did not change our clocks last night. I didn't realize I was supposed to until I turned on my computer and it stated the computer clock was changed. LOL

I'm still not feeling well, and quite impatient. I am sick of this! Also, I'm concerned that this is an indication of what I can expect all winter. Will I continually get sick???

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Our Boxer

She's a good girl, most of the time, but does try my patience on occasion -- when she's stubborn.

We rescued her one year ago Nov. 1. This pic of her sleeping peacefully was her very first night with us.

She is a bit spoiled -- as I'm sure you can tell by the pics -- and she is, at this very moment, bugging me to go out and play. That is why I decided to post her pics. She is very demanding of attention at times, and I thought it appropriate to give her the spotlight on my blog today.

But, let me clarify one thing ..... she is a dog. A family pet. She does not get table scraps, climb on the furniture or sleep on my bed. And, most important, she is not the child I never had. Nope. I'm not one of those crazy people that treat my animal like a child. Just wanted to make that perfectly clear....

He lacks in the housework department

First let me just say my husband is good at many things. Home maintenance, auto maintenance, and cooking... to name just a few. But, he's lacking in the housework department. Since I've been feeling a bit under the weather, I've had to rely on him to keep the kitchen cleaned up. Now, I know he uses a sponge, but he apparently does not put any muscle into scrubbing the pots and pans. And, what's with combining taking a bath while doing the dishes? At least, that's the only explanation I can come up with for water ending up everywhere.

I have learned to keep my mouth shut, however, and appreciate the fact that he tries. I just mop up behind him and re-wash the pots as necessary.

So he has a couple of flaws. I'll keep him a little while longer anyway. I'm not perfect either :o)

I am spending my Saturday morning catching up on e-mail, sipping tea, hacking and coughing, and watching do-it-yourself shows. Wow, they make everything look so easy! How come my DIY projects never go as smoothly as theirs?!?!

Hubby and his wonderful planning strikes again. We will have a houseguest tonight. I found out earlier in the week when I overheard his phone conversation, otherwise I probably STILL wouldn't know! Anyway, at that point, Eric's plans weren't firm because hurricane Wilma was headed his way.

The next time I heard anything, Eric was coming either Friday or Saturday ... depending on when they get electricity back at their house. (I guess his wife threatened him with bodily harm if he left her to go to the race in less than stellar conditions! ... can't say that I blame her...)

So, even though I'm not feeling well, I had to get the guest room and bath ready for Friday. Well, today is Saturday, and he isn't here yet. I haven't heard what time his flight is, but he's coming some time today.

Hubby's ill-planning is ridiculous, but I'll let this one slide, since a hurricane did affect the plans somewhat...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ah, this is the life

Lounging on the lawn, taking in the sights of Coastal Maine....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

This isn't exactly what I had in mind ...

... when I thought to myself, "can't life just slow down a little?" ....

I left work at 3:20pm yesterday because I wasn't feeling well, or as I put it to the Human Resources person, "I'm fighting a cold and it is kicking my butt." (It wasn't so much a head cold; more of a severe sore throat which I feared was strep.)

I came home, hopped into bed, and that's where I stayed until 8:15 this morning. Yes, I slept from 4:00pm until 8:15am this morning --- with the exception of getting up at 2:00am to go to the bathroom.

I call work this morning to say I won't make it in unless I'm feeling better and the receptionist says to me, "You sound like you have what I had." I laugh and say, "Thanks for giving it to me." Nice of her, wasn't it?

After a cup of hot tea and some toast, I don't feel any better. I guess it's back to bed for me.

No, this isn't what I had in mind when I wanted things to slow down a bit....

Be sure to enjoy the day for me!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Another picture from Maine...

I tried to post one of us lounging on the lawn, but it would not upload. grumble *$%#@ grumble

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Click here: Carving Halloween pumpkins

Monday, October 17, 2005

Wedding, Sailing, or Hurricane?

I just heard hubby say, "That ain't good." So, I yell up, "What?" He says there is a hurricane brewing. "So?" I ask. "It's right where I'm supposed to be sailing..."

My husband has the uncanniest luck. We had an invitation to a wedding in Indiana this coming weekend. It took him a long time to make up his mind not to go. Instead, he took up the invite of a friend to sail on his boat from Tampa to Key West and back (can't say that I blame him). Sounded good at the time ... not good if a hurricane is on the horizon.

Weather and my husband don't get along. If you want a glorious day, with sun shining and cool breeze and, well, perfection, you may want to reconsider inviting my husband. He's had his share of bad weather follow him!

Perhaps it's better we are not going to the wedding. A huge tornado probably would have come through....

Sunday, October 16, 2005

This was dinner

one evening at the cabin in Maine...

I have so many pictures from that trip yet to share. I'll throw some in from time to time, so stay tuned...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Oddball

Once again, I was the "odd man out." I just don't get it. Well, let me tell you what happened, and you be the judge.

I went to someone's home for a get together. I've been to her home a few times, and she is a wonderful host. Her home is beautiful ... but that's besides the point.

Because I'm new to the area, I usually get lost finding my way to places. This means I've been late or cutting it real close and just making it on time (of which both scenarios are uncharacteristic of me).

That night, I made it 15 mins early. And, although, I don't necessarily like being the first to walk in, I was. But, that's okay ... because I take it to mean I am getting familiar with my surroundings and starting to find my way!

Once inside, I help my friend (Ashley) set up the finishing touches. She was putting out salads, etc. People started showing up shortly thereafter, and the festivities began.

I know, I know, what's so odd about any of this? Nothing. I'm getting to that.

It's now time to go. Everyone expressed what a good time they had, put their paper plates, napkins, etc. in the garbage, kissed the hostess goodbye, and let themselves out. I stood there, practically having to hold my mouth shut.

Ashley is almost 8 months pregnant. While she's not an invalid, it wouldn't have killed anyone to offer to help clean up. She had a gigantic spread on her dining room and kitchen tables. What's more, she had all her big, heavy dining room chairs in the family room.

Yes, I offered to help. I didn't think that was such an odd thing to do, but I was the ONLY ONE to do so!!!! I guess I really did grow up in the twilight zone.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Sorry, loyal blog readers

(all 3 of you!)

Computer is down. Hope to be blogging again soon!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Maybe I should have posted a map to show just where I was on this last trip to Maine. First, an overall map of Maine. See where Bar Harbor is? (lower right-hand corner) Now, scroll down to a detailed map of that section....

We stayed on the southwest side -- on the coast west of Bernard. I marked it in red. The two red X's indicate the mountains we climbed. (click on map to enlarge)

If you want to know more about Mount Desert Island/Acadia National Park, click here .

This island is very much geared for tourists. You can drive up Cadillac Mountain and there is a souvenier shop at the top, for crying out loud. Bar Harbor is full of gift shops, and the routes are lined with antique shops. But, the landscape is beautiful just the same. Fortunately, the side we stayed on is less developed, and we were privileged to be guests of a prominent Massachusetts family who own 600 acres, and has kept every inch of it natural. I must say, though, that we as a group are spoiled by Northern Maine and it's peace and tranquility and ruggedness. Our party has agreed ..... we are going back to Northern Maine next September and climbing Mt. Katahdin. It's NOT going to be easy.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Are ALL flights goint into Atlanta delayed, or is it just mine?!?!?! It happened AGAIN.

Note to husband: Now is not a good time to ask me if we're going home for the holidays. I do not want to see another airplane any time soon.

I am tired. I know, I know, "Get to bed." I'M GOING!

(... in case you're wondering, though, the wedding in CT was nice, and seeing all his family wasn't so bad afterall. Why was I so apprehensive about the whole thing??)