Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Oddball

Once again, I was the "odd man out." I just don't get it. Well, let me tell you what happened, and you be the judge.

I went to someone's home for a get together. I've been to her home a few times, and she is a wonderful host. Her home is beautiful ... but that's besides the point.

Because I'm new to the area, I usually get lost finding my way to places. This means I've been late or cutting it real close and just making it on time (of which both scenarios are uncharacteristic of me).

That night, I made it 15 mins early. And, although, I don't necessarily like being the first to walk in, I was. But, that's okay ... because I take it to mean I am getting familiar with my surroundings and starting to find my way!

Once inside, I help my friend (Ashley) set up the finishing touches. She was putting out salads, etc. People started showing up shortly thereafter, and the festivities began.

I know, I know, what's so odd about any of this? Nothing. I'm getting to that.

It's now time to go. Everyone expressed what a good time they had, put their paper plates, napkins, etc. in the garbage, kissed the hostess goodbye, and let themselves out. I stood there, practically having to hold my mouth shut.

Ashley is almost 8 months pregnant. While she's not an invalid, it wouldn't have killed anyone to offer to help clean up. She had a gigantic spread on her dining room and kitchen tables. What's more, she had all her big, heavy dining room chairs in the family room.

Yes, I offered to help. I didn't think that was such an odd thing to do, but I was the ONLY ONE to do so!!!! I guess I really did grow up in the twilight zone.


At October 13, 2005 9:00 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

Hi Bobbi,

I am sure she will remember your kindness for a long time :)

Twilight children we are...

At October 13, 2005 10:52 PM, Blogger BikeMom said...

Awwww - you are so nice and thoughtful... Did you really grow up in New York? It is hard to believe - **chuckle**

At October 14, 2005 6:49 AM, Blogger Bobbi said...

Yes, Chris, we "peas" must stick together...... please tell me you get that. LOL :o)

BabynTeens, I think you hit on something! I am a walking contradiction ... no wonder I get those funny looks .... no New Yorker is supposed to act like me!

At October 16, 2005 10:36 PM, Blogger Spider Girl said...

I'm sure she really appreciated the help.

It's too bad helpfulness is not second-nature to a lot of people.


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