Wednesday, August 31, 2005

True Friend

I received this in an e-mail.....

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty,He

She asked him if he would want to be with her forever....and he said no.

She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry,and once again he replied with a no.

She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face, the boy grabbed her arm and said....

You're not pretty you're beautiful.

I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever.

And I wouldn't cry if you walked away...I'd die...

... sigh ...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Once Upon a Time

I guess today is as good as any to talk about a certain relationship. A relationship that sprung out of the imagination of many, and never came to be. But, that doesn't stop the minds from keeping the possibility(?) of that relationship from sprouting(?) or existing(?) or thinking it existed at one time? Maybe I should start from the beginning.....

My family has been friends with this other family, well, since forever. My mother and this woman were in the hospital together when he and I were born, one day apart (I am older, thank you very much). Our families visited often, and we and our other siblings always had a lot of fun running around the yard, as kids will do. I now believe that the adults would be watching and secretly planning our future together, or so it would seem.

They moved to another state, and we visited them frequently. Then, at some point, they moved back. I was dating and in my own world, so I didn't see much of his parents when they would come visit. I do remember him asking me to his senior prom, and it really took me by surprise (call me stupid .... I was obviously the only one that didn't have a clue...). I said no, and he walked away looking totally defeated. Like somebody had just punched him in the gut.

A couple years after graduation, I happened to run into his younger brother. I was happy to see him and had a big smile on my face when I said, "hi." The smile didn't come quite as easily for him, but the words he obviously had been waiting to say the next time he saw me sure did, "You broke my brother's heart." What do you say to that? I have no idea what I said. Sadly, he died in a car accident shortly after I saw him, so that was the last thing he said to me.

When I was getting married, my mother even made a point to tell me he bought a stag ticket, even though the stag was being held in CT and he had no intentions of going. What was that supposed to mean? He eventually married, too, and life went on. A few years after I married, I ran into one of his older brothers. Can you guess what the first words out of his mouth were -- and in front of my husband no less?! Yup. "You broke my brother's heart." Okay, I obviously missed a whole lot of something all the while we were growing up. Oh, and on another occasion, this same brother told me he and the other brothers would compare his wife to me and what I would do in his wife's situation. OMG, she must hate me!!!!

Okay, guys, thanks for putting me on a pedestal, but I'm not that great. Really!

(Should I tell you that when I lived in Indiana, he asked my father for my address and mailed me a birthday card? Hhhmmmm, maybe I shouldn't. Forget I said anything...)

Now to what my family says to me. Every time I see them, they make a point of filling me in on his life. It got so bad, that after one particular time, when my uncle went on about something, I asked my husband if it bothers him that they continually bring this guy up. He said no, and I commended him for it. I told him he's a better person than I because I wouldn't take it very well if his family talked about some other girl all the time. But, maybe that's the difference between males and females, females are just too emotional about that type of stuff. Or, my husband's feeling the caveman mentality and beating his chest saying, "I got her." LOL

The reason I felt compelled to write about it tonight is because it happened yet again when I was home this weekend. My father walks in the door and announces "He says hi. I just ran into him at the ...." Enough already! I think it's safe to say we're not going to end up together!!!!

I'm Home

After a two-hour delay, that is.

As we flew into Atlanta tonight, and I looked out the plane's window at the city, I have to admit I felt like I was home. Wow. Never thought that would happen. But, it's good that it did, because that means I feel I belong somewhere instead of feeling displaced. At least that's how I feel tonight .... tomorrow may be altogether different!

Great, I have to try to get some sleep. And I'm wide awake!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

I'm here

New York, that is, for anyone who's keeping tabs. Flight was on schedule and only a slight amount of turbulence just before we landed at LaGuardia. Rental company gave me a tin can for transportation, but I wobbled up the Hutchinson Parkway and made it here. It is the oddest thing driving a vehicle after being so accustomed to my own! Strange experience.

Both parents were still up and survived, so don't worry about them. My mother immediately worried about not having anything for me to eat. She's so funny. That reminds me, one time hubby and I were on our way to visit and were going to stop and grab a bite to eat, but thought otherwise. Our conversation went something like this:

Him: "Are you hungry? Should we stop somewhere?"

Me: "You know my mother. We'll no sooner walk in the door and she'll ask 'Are you hungry? There's cold cuts.' "

Him: "And bagels, and cookies, and soda, and a roasted turkey, and a side of beef."

Needless to say, we didn't stop, and she ushered us into the kitchen and started pulling out the cold cuts and 10 different kinds of bread/rolls, and condiments, and, well, you get the picture...

So, if I upset my mother in any way by my surprise, it's by depriving her of having a feast ready for my arrival.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


So, I'm talking to my mother tonight and she catches me up on all the latest news. Most of it about people I don't even remember. I hang up and think, "Now what on earth are we going to talk about when I get there?" Oh, did I not mention to you bloggers that my parents do not know I'm coming? I'll just walk in the front door late Friday night. My father will most likely be up, but it would be so great if they are both sleeping. I could surprise them in the morning by just coming down the stairs and walking into the kitchen. Would never work, though, because they've got more creaks in the stairs, so I will be unable to just step over the ones I know about (a la teenage years) ... plus, the door to the room sticks and that will make noise when I open it, too. So, while most things DON'T change at home, I guess some things DO --- like more squeaks in the stairs :o)

I wonder, do you think I'm mean for surprising my parents like that? When I lived in CT, my work was halfway between my house and their house, so I would sometimes, on a whim, leave work and head the opposite direction to their house (about an hour and a half drive). Usually, they were eating at the table when I'd open the door and walk in (S.... you can picture this vividly, because that door/table/room has not changed --- remember them eating at the table when you and Julian came to get me???). I'd sit down and eat with them, then sit in the living room and watch the news with them, and then be on my way home (a 2 1/2 - 3 hour drive).

The best surprise (other than this one coming up) was when I lived in Indiana. Hubby had to work one weekend at a show being held at Foxwoods Casino. I was able to get a reasonable flight out, so I joined him. We flew into Hartford, picked up the rental car, I dropped him off at the casino, and headed to my parents house. It just so happened that I timed it perfectly and walked in as they were eating dinner. My mother smiled, said hi, and went to take a bite of food when it suddenly hit her. This look of total shock came over her face as she realized I did not just drive there from my job in CT, that I was now living in Indiana and WHAT AM I DOING THERE. That was priceless.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

About a month ago, I made flight reservations to go home.

The time is here.

It is for this coming weekend.

WHAT was I thinking?!

I'm not excited anymore about going.

This roller coaster is not fun.

When will it stop?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

oops.... I just remembered we were supposed to fill out a survey. I wonder where that paperwork is??

I thought of something that I haven't thought about in a long time.....

When we were first married, I got up one morning a little late, took a shower, rushed around and got dressed. When I was all done, my husband rolled over and asked why I was going to work on a Saturday.

I never did find out if he let me get all the way dressed before saying something, or if he really did just wake up at that moment....

The Game! :D

I participated on Khizzy's blog, so I must post it here. I don't know who originated these questions.... but, here we go! I will answer the first five commentators.

The rules are: If you are among the first five to comment on this post, I will answer the following:

  1. I'll respond with a random thought I have about you.
  2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
  3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
  4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (or so we think).
  5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
  6. I'll tell you what intoxicant you remind me of.
  7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
  8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your blog.

Be nice. If you post a comment and I answer, play the game on your blog.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Community News

We get a small community newspaper monthly. In it are the usual things; community sports highlights, area attractions, local business ads, local events. Now that we are nearing fall, the festivals and craft fairs for the coming months are being advertised. Fall is my most favorite time of year and my husband will be thrilled to know that I'm filling up our calendar fast :o)

There was one small article in the middle of a page that especially caught my eye though, and it will stay with me for a long time, evoking a warm smile. At the beginning of the article was a picture of a girl, looking slightly over her shoulder at the camera, with her long, brown hair draped over a hairdresser's cape. She had a sweet smile. The caption underneath read, "Locks of Love Gift." The article identified the 10-year-old girl and explained she's been growing her hair since kindergarten. Eight inches was cut off and will be donated to Locks of Love. She hopes a little girl will smile when receiving a wig with new hair.

I just about melted and had to share.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Leisure only means a chance to do other jobs that demand attention.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Friday, August 12, 2005

Okay, obviously, depending on my mood, I answer these questions differently ..... LOL

You Belong in New York City

You're an energetic, ambitious woman.

And only NYC is fast enough for you.

Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career

Or simply take in all the city has to offer

What City Do You Belong in? Take This Quiz :-)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

You Belong in Paris

Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.

The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!

Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...

You'll love living in the most chic place on earth

What City Do You Belong in? Take This Quiz :-)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Rainy Sunday

It's another rainy Sunday in Georgia, with one exception. My cousin and her family are in town. I invited them over for dinner today, but she didn't want to impose on us and, besides, they want to do some sightseeing. They did ask if we want to tag along, but it's too hot and sticky this time of year. We do want to visit some of the places they are thinking of going, but opt to go when it's cooler. Okay, I'll admit it ... we are now typical southerners and hibernate in the air conditioning during the hottest summer months :o)

Anyway, we made plans to meet for breakfast this morning and had a nice visit. It started to rain, so I asked what they were going to do if it doesn't stop. She said she didn't know, laughed, and then said "sit in the hotel room?" Well, by the time we left the restaurant, it had stopped. But, a short time later, it started pouring, and it hasn't let up yet.

Guess sitting in a small, cramped hotel room is better than hanging out at our house playing boardgames and munching on popcorn.... LOL

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The DT, my brother and French Toast

I don't know why, but I was thinking about the times I used to come home in the wee hours of the morning, and my brother would wake up, come down to the kitchen, and I'd make us French Toast. Maybe I'm thinking about those times because I miss him? I don't know. But, I do know those were fun times and I could always rely on him. No matter what.

S, do you remember sitting in that bar and you started to sink under the table and told me not to turn around? You could barely get the words "your brother" out. Me, being the smartass I was, walked right up to him and said "hi" with a huge smile on my face.

Here's the kicker, for those of you wondering what happened... he didn't tell our parents, instead he told me not to go there unless he or his friends were there. They would watch out for us any time we were there. They wouldn't dampen our good time, or surround us like bodyguards, but we always knew we were safe.

I made flight reservations to go home for a weekend at the end of the month. And, I'll get to hang out with him.... although, no, it won't be in a bar. LOL