Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm Home

After a two-hour delay, that is.

As we flew into Atlanta tonight, and I looked out the plane's window at the city, I have to admit I felt like I was home. Wow. Never thought that would happen. But, it's good that it did, because that means I feel I belong somewhere instead of feeling displaced. At least that's how I feel tonight .... tomorrow may be altogether different!

Great, I have to try to get some sleep. And I'm wide awake!!


At August 29, 2005 12:51 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

Hi Bobbi,

Good to have hear you made it home safely.

I like you previous post, it sort of reminds me of my my grandmother who was like your mother when I would visit her from college ( all of my college friends wanted to go with me to visit her as she was close to the college and they wanted some "real food" )


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