Monday, August 29, 2005

Once Upon a Time

I guess today is as good as any to talk about a certain relationship. A relationship that sprung out of the imagination of many, and never came to be. But, that doesn't stop the minds from keeping the possibility(?) of that relationship from sprouting(?) or existing(?) or thinking it existed at one time? Maybe I should start from the beginning.....

My family has been friends with this other family, well, since forever. My mother and this woman were in the hospital together when he and I were born, one day apart (I am older, thank you very much). Our families visited often, and we and our other siblings always had a lot of fun running around the yard, as kids will do. I now believe that the adults would be watching and secretly planning our future together, or so it would seem.

They moved to another state, and we visited them frequently. Then, at some point, they moved back. I was dating and in my own world, so I didn't see much of his parents when they would come visit. I do remember him asking me to his senior prom, and it really took me by surprise (call me stupid .... I was obviously the only one that didn't have a clue...). I said no, and he walked away looking totally defeated. Like somebody had just punched him in the gut.

A couple years after graduation, I happened to run into his younger brother. I was happy to see him and had a big smile on my face when I said, "hi." The smile didn't come quite as easily for him, but the words he obviously had been waiting to say the next time he saw me sure did, "You broke my brother's heart." What do you say to that? I have no idea what I said. Sadly, he died in a car accident shortly after I saw him, so that was the last thing he said to me.

When I was getting married, my mother even made a point to tell me he bought a stag ticket, even though the stag was being held in CT and he had no intentions of going. What was that supposed to mean? He eventually married, too, and life went on. A few years after I married, I ran into one of his older brothers. Can you guess what the first words out of his mouth were -- and in front of my husband no less?! Yup. "You broke my brother's heart." Okay, I obviously missed a whole lot of something all the while we were growing up. Oh, and on another occasion, this same brother told me he and the other brothers would compare his wife to me and what I would do in his wife's situation. OMG, she must hate me!!!!

Okay, guys, thanks for putting me on a pedestal, but I'm not that great. Really!

(Should I tell you that when I lived in Indiana, he asked my father for my address and mailed me a birthday card? Hhhmmmm, maybe I shouldn't. Forget I said anything...)

Now to what my family says to me. Every time I see them, they make a point of filling me in on his life. It got so bad, that after one particular time, when my uncle went on about something, I asked my husband if it bothers him that they continually bring this guy up. He said no, and I commended him for it. I told him he's a better person than I because I wouldn't take it very well if his family talked about some other girl all the time. But, maybe that's the difference between males and females, females are just too emotional about that type of stuff. Or, my husband's feeling the caveman mentality and beating his chest saying, "I got her." LOL

The reason I felt compelled to write about it tonight is because it happened yet again when I was home this weekend. My father walks in the door and announces "He says hi. I just ran into him at the ...." Enough already! I think it's safe to say we're not going to end up together!!!!


At August 30, 2005 9:19 AM, Blogger Ca... said...

Sounds like you are acquainted with a lot of rude and inconsiderate people. Have you considered being open with them and telling them to keep their inuendoes to themselves?

For me, I'm afraid I would be just as rude to them and say something like, "I think he had a problem and now you have the same problem. He had no right to assume he was anything except a friend to me and neither do you. If you can't stop bringing this boloney up, don't come around. I don't need it."
Whatta you think?

At August 30, 2005 9:40 PM, Blogger BikeMom said...

Does he still live in the area??

At August 31, 2005 1:01 PM, Blogger Bobbi said...

Yes, he's still there. A family member is always running into him.


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