Today was Day 4 of the new internal structure, and it was bad. Forgive me for talking about it here, but I figure this is the safest way to sound off ... so that I remain professional at work.
The other woman in my department must be manic depressive. I have never seen anyone with such highs and such lows. I grew up with my mother being extremely moody. I had to put up with it then, but I do not have to - and will not - put up with it now. Especially in a work situation.
She has been irritable all week. You know, the nasty under-the-breath type comments. The comments and the attitude have continued to get worse, and today was the boiling point. Mind you, I know none of her ravings are aimed directly toward me -- but it makes for such an unpleasant working environment!
Our manager called her in to the conference room this morning. They were in there for 45 minutes. When she came out, she went to talk to someone in the sales dept. (another irrational woman) to discuss a work situation. She returned to the department and the "sales" woman came down shortly after and they got into a heated discussion. Right outside my door!!
When I returned from lunch, my coworker was out to lunch (something she never does, but should do because we all know you need to take that break at work - and that might be part of her problem). Well, when I say she returned from lunch a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WOMAN, I am not talking her appearance. Her mood was ridiculously silly! If I didn't know any better, I'd swear she had a liquid lunch!!
Thank goodness hubby came home a day early. He had just pulled in to the garage when I rounded the corner and pulled in to the driveway :o) The only problem with this is it feels like Friday night(!), but I have to endure another day at work!