Thursday, September 29, 2005


I haven't felt quite right since returning from my trip. I'm assuming it's allergies.

Or maybe I'm going through withdrawal after leaving coastal Maine.. ? That must be it! Can you blame me? Scroll down.....

These kayakers were paddling against a very strong wind. I'd say they got quite a workout! Posted by Picasa

Later, a sailboat went by. Oh, should I mention we were lounging on the lawn drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers at this time?Posted by Picasa

This is the rock outcropping to the left of the previous pictures. I walked down a bit to take this pic. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Look What I Found

I tried selling our fridge before we moved to Atlanta and had e-mailed this pic to a co-worker who was interested. She didn't buy it, of course, and we eventually sold it in about 5 minutes at a tag sale -- and it wasn't even plugged in (you may recall that post a few months back).

So, one last look at the ol' fridge before I delete this pic off my hard drive and out of my life for good.....

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What am I Doing??

I have an interview tomorrow. I interviewed with this company in January. My impression was that I didn't get the job because I was on the high end of the pay they were offering. Although, it could very well be that they just plain did not think I was qualified, or there was someone better suited for the job.

In any event, they called me recently. Human Resources kept my resume and job application on file and actually pulled it out for another job that is available. When does THAT happen?? How many times have I been told, "we'll keep your resume on file should something come up." Ha. I never believed it would actually happen.

I'm not taking this interview very seriously. It's more just to see what they have to say. But, never say never. It could be something better than what I currently have.

Oh, and I received a call from a headhunter about another position. Again, what have I got to lose in talking to the guy?

What I'd really like to know is: where were all these job opportunities when I was LOOKING for a job???!!! LOL

Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm Home

Survived my latest journey. I'll post about it later----- sorry, too tired now.

Oh, and pictures. Lots of pictures will be posted, too.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Just short of turning down the bed and leaving a chocolate on the pillow...

Hubby has been away for a week. He will not be home until tomorrow afternoon. I wonder if he notices the subtle things I do for him when he comes home after being away so long. Oh, sure, the fridge is stocked with the foods he likes, but does he notice I make sure clean, fresh-smelling sheets are on the bed? That may seem like a small thing, but after spending a week in a hotel room, I think it's nice to come home to. No, I don't fill the house with vases of fresh-cut flowers.... that's taking it just a little too far!

I went crazy cleaning this weekend. I always do this before we take a trip. I don't like leaving my house with things out of order. You may think it's in case someone breaks into the house .... that I don't want them to think we're slobs. Nope. It's because I love coming home to a nice, clean house; I mean, afterall, who wants to clean after returning from vacation?! (with laundry being the exception, as it's a necessity.)

I have done no real preparation for our trip to Maine (we leave Thurs. night). That (preparation) has to wait until hubby is home and we can go to the sporting goods store together. With each day that passes, my mood changes about this trip. A few days ago, I wasn't looking forward to it. Now, I am. I don't know why I'm going back and forth about it. There's no doubt that it will be a blast. Something new and different. I love experiencing new and different things ...

What is Normal?

I have spent my life being me and only me. I'm not much for pretending to be someone I'm not. Oh, sure, maybe once or twice along the way ... but I was too uncomfortable in my own skin and quickly scrapped those crazy ideas of fitting into someone else's idea of norm. I remember, at age 17, a guy I liked very much and who liked me very much, told me I wasn't like any of the other girls he knew. He meant it as a compliment, but I didn't know quite how to take it at the time. I remember my response as clear as a bell even to this day. It was, "I only know how to be me." I think of him from time to time and the pure innocence of young love. No expectations, no hidden agendas, just the pure enjoyment of being together and being ourselves ... hanging out with friends at the movies or the beach or the high school basketball game.

But, as much as you probably think this post is about him, it's not. He was just the beginning of my realization that I was different..... unique.... more mature and stronger than other insecure teenage girls wanting to fit in to others' idea of "cool" or "normal." I didn't exactly know how or why, but yes, I was pretty much different. Oh, I went through the typical teenage anxieties; it's just that not many saw it. Only my closest friends who, although they may not like to admit it, were like me ..... maybe if I say unique and smart and witty and strong, they'll admit to being like me :o)

Okay, now I'm getting closer to the point of this post. My husband continually questions my "normalcy." Actually, he questions it A LOT. He thinks he's funny. Well, don't get me wrong ... he is, but his jokes at my expense sometimes hurt in the early years of our marriage.

I think maybe you will get where I'm trying to go if I say this .... I think, in his own cute, funny way, he is trying to compliment me in the same manner that 17-year-old boy did. That, without going into specifics, he admires me for my brain and my wit and my independence, and my sense of self ... for being different. And, well, I now think it's sweet. And I finally get it. And I'm not hurt. And, yes, I finally take it as a compliment.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Where Does the Time Go?

When did it become mid-September? I swear, time just flies by.

As I was driving home yesterday, I looked up and noticed a tree had started turning colors, and the leaves had started to fall and gather on the ground. What the ???

I'm glad I "woke up" in time to catch autumn .... and didn't "sleep" through it. I don't know where I've been lately..... too engrossed in deep thought, apparently....

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I learned this year's excursion in Maine includes a "hike" through low tide, where we can expect to get wet up to our rear. I would NEVER have thought to pack a BATHING SUIT for my trip to Maine at the end of September. And, we have to go out and buy acquatic-type footwear in order to walk on slippery rock. I expect my body will just go numb, so I won't feel the biting cold water for long. Our friends in Maine certainly have a strange sense of humor. LOL

But, in all honesty, they always plan a spectacular trip, and we always leave with great memories and experiences. I expect this trip won't be any different. Plus, some time in the future, we'll all be able to laugh at our escapades in the Maine waters.

Yup. Those Mainers are hardy people!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I drive by these kids waiting for the school bus and I wonder if any of them think "I can't wait to be an adult and go to work every day" as the cars drive by .... like I used to do. Fool that I was LOL

Monday, September 05, 2005

Click on the link below. We all need a reminder sometimes.


Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is an incubator for good ideas, it just takes a while for them to develop.
But when you think of something, watch out!
Your thoughts tend to be huge, and they come on quickly - like an explosion.
You tend to be quiet around others, unless you're inspired by your next big idea.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Put down the catalog and walk away slowly....

Help. The fall catalogs are arriving. I am at my most vulnerable this time of the year! I love fall fashions. Nothing elaborate, mind you, just the sweaters and jeans and boots, oh and the jackets. I admit it, I am a jacket junkie.

I found a bunch of stuff that I want to order. Yes, jackets included. But, I know myself well enough to know that if I wait a couple days, the feeling will pass.... but I want, I want, I want LOL