Sunday, September 18, 2005

What is Normal?

I have spent my life being me and only me. I'm not much for pretending to be someone I'm not. Oh, sure, maybe once or twice along the way ... but I was too uncomfortable in my own skin and quickly scrapped those crazy ideas of fitting into someone else's idea of norm. I remember, at age 17, a guy I liked very much and who liked me very much, told me I wasn't like any of the other girls he knew. He meant it as a compliment, but I didn't know quite how to take it at the time. I remember my response as clear as a bell even to this day. It was, "I only know how to be me." I think of him from time to time and the pure innocence of young love. No expectations, no hidden agendas, just the pure enjoyment of being together and being ourselves ... hanging out with friends at the movies or the beach or the high school basketball game.

But, as much as you probably think this post is about him, it's not. He was just the beginning of my realization that I was different..... unique.... more mature and stronger than other insecure teenage girls wanting to fit in to others' idea of "cool" or "normal." I didn't exactly know how or why, but yes, I was pretty much different. Oh, I went through the typical teenage anxieties; it's just that not many saw it. Only my closest friends who, although they may not like to admit it, were like me ..... maybe if I say unique and smart and witty and strong, they'll admit to being like me :o)

Okay, now I'm getting closer to the point of this post. My husband continually questions my "normalcy." Actually, he questions it A LOT. He thinks he's funny. Well, don't get me wrong ... he is, but his jokes at my expense sometimes hurt in the early years of our marriage.

I think maybe you will get where I'm trying to go if I say this .... I think, in his own cute, funny way, he is trying to compliment me in the same manner that 17-year-old boy did. That, without going into specifics, he admires me for my brain and my wit and my independence, and my sense of self ... for being different. And, well, I now think it's sweet. And I finally get it. And I'm not hurt. And, yes, I finally take it as a compliment.


At September 18, 2005 11:56 PM, Blogger BikeMom said...

Ahhhh... I am sure he is complimenting you.. just not the way you expect. These guys have a hard time dealing with the bold and the beautiful - you know that!!!! Too much competition for them - they don't want to have to be the one's that think - yet, don't want you doing the thinking for them - go figure that one out!

Deep down I know he knows that what he has is great!

One more thing... I am glad you realize that you are not normal - LOL!

At September 23, 2005 3:44 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

If we had happened to have grown up together I am certain we would have understood each other and most likely would have been friends. I get it.

Enjoy Maine!


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