Well, Hello there
I've been absent from the blog world for quite some time. And I don't have a good reason.
It's amazing how time just gets away from me. Case in point:
- My one-year anniversary is tomorrow. Yes, the job that seems like I just started I've been in a year already!
- This summer marks 3 years in Georgia!
- Hubby's 46th birthday was Sunday. What? 46? Impossible.
- Sopranos will be over soon. (side note: I want to cancel HBO and sign up for Netflix! Hubby is not yet convinced....)
- School is out. Community pool is open. Hotlanta summer is right around the corner.
I've got some trips in the planning stages. That's something to get excited about! And, I'll be back to living up to my blog's title!
July: Charleston, SC
August: San Jose and San Francisco, CA
September: St. Maarten (!) and annual trip to Maine
Woo hoo!
Oh, and I really have to get back to New York. My family has forgotten what I look like....