Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Well, Hello there

I've been absent from the blog world for quite some time. And I don't have a good reason.

It's amazing how time just gets away from me. Case in point:

  • My one-year anniversary is tomorrow. Yes, the job that seems like I just started I've been in a year already!
  • This summer marks 3 years in Georgia!
  • Hubby's 46th birthday was Sunday. What? 46? Impossible.
  • Sopranos will be over soon. (side note: I want to cancel HBO and sign up for Netflix! Hubby is not yet convinced....)
  • School is out. Community pool is open. Hotlanta summer is right around the corner.

I've got some trips in the planning stages. That's something to get excited about! And, I'll be back to living up to my blog's title!

July: Charleston, SC

August: San Jose and San Francisco, CA

September: St. Maarten (!) and annual trip to Maine

Woo hoo!

Oh, and I really have to get back to New York. My family has forgotten what I look like....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

click for a bit of nostalgia

Saturday, May 12, 2007

he thought I couldn't see him

Sunday, May 06, 2007

21 Years ago this month

... marks our 1st date.

What I remember about that first date:
  • He showed up at my door with a dozen lavendar-colored roses. He sat down and kind of ran his hand over the back of his head, as if to smooth his hair although it didn't need it. He seemed nervous.
  • I lived a good distance from him, so he was not familiar with the area. I chose the restaurant ... Brocks. I know I still have a book of matches from that night.
  • We were seated and immediately realized the table was wobbly. Horribly wobbly. I didn't find out until much later that he kept his foot on the bottom of the table to keep it from moving.
  • As funny as it sounds, one of my favorite items at this restaurant was their bread. They served a large, hot loaf. Delicious. But, that night, I did not eat any of it. I looked at it (longingly) a number of times, but did not touch it. He didn't find out until much later that I didn't want to look like a pig!
  • Whatever happened that night, it must have worked. Because we dated for 3 1/2 years and then got married (17 1/2 years so far). Although, I do have a hard time realizing it's been that long. We can't be that old :o)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Hello to all!

Last night a thunder storm rolled in as I went to bed. For any of you who have been reading my blog for the past couple of years, you know how I love a good thunderstorm. This one was pretty violent and, at one point, I thought I'd hear a freight train (the sound before a tornado hits your house - or so I've heard). And then I drifted off into slumber. Guess I wasn't too terrified of what might have been a tornado!

But, all is still standing this morning. It was just a pretty violent storm that passed through while I slept.

Going to have to cut this short. Hubby is making French Toast. Must get downstairs or I'll miss out!

Happy weekend!