Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Greetings..... southern-style

My husband and I were taking a walk and our neighbor waved and said --- well, I heard --- "how ya doin" ... you know, typical greeting. We kept walking and I stopped in my tracks like a lightbulb went off over my head and I asked, "Wait. Did he say 'How y'all doing' ?!?!" and my husband said, "yup!" ROFL

Now, you may not find the humor in this, but I'm apparently getting used to this southern slang. Mind you, I'm not talking that way ..... yet! (And don't you worry, I have a feeling I'll always sound like a New Yorker in one way or another.....)


At May 05, 2005 10:00 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

Don't worry you will not even know it happened. Until you visit New York and your friends say you talk funny.

Thats what happened to me. Maybe it will not happen to you but it might. I liked it actually

At May 06, 2005 8:33 PM, Blogger Bobbi said...

Indiana was a real eye-opener... for both me AND them. I swear my co-workers acted like they never met anyone from the east coast. I think half of them were just plain scared of me, and all of them had trouble understanding me (my sense of humor mostly).

But, Atlanta has been a different experience. Most people are transplants down here anyway, so I don't get as many strange looks when I talk. Although, the other day I started talking and this man said, "You're not from the Atlanta region, are you?" I covered my mouth and said, "Why, what gave me away?" He said, "Everything." !!!!!!!

As for losing my "New Yorkness" .. if you talk to my husband, he'll tell you "It's not an accent, it's an attitude." And if that's the case, I'll never lose it! :o)

At May 07, 2005 5:08 AM, Blogger Christopher said...

Oh I had forgot about Indiana. sorry LOL.
Can't say I know what a New York attitude is. But I am sure I would like it.


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