Saturday, April 23, 2005

Dazed and Confused

That's how I'm going to have to look today. Hubby is going through the boxes stacked up in the garage. They are what's left of the move that have not been unpacked yet; the boxes that came from the basement in every house before this. Translation: All useless stuff, and all his. I had the movers dump all those boxes in his garage, so he'd have to deal with it eventually. heh heh

So, I have to practice my surprised "I don't know" look when he starts asking me where this went or what happened to that. I try very hard not to touch, but do get in my "throw it away" moods and pitch stuff. The majority my own, but some of it his mother's stuff (disclaimer: stuff that was broken, but she kept anyway).

Maybe he'll just assume whatever he remembers we had went to charity during our last move. And, some things have been damaged during the moves.

.... Oh boy. I haven't even finished my blog and it's already starting. Not the "where did it go?" but the "where can we put this?" He brought in a chess set his father gave him a couple years ago. Drat. I thought I threw that away. Now what am I supposed to do with it? And, he's asking me about the GI Joe jeeps. They're not the tiny jeeps that came with the little plastic green army men, like my brother had when he was little. No, these suckers are HUGE. I put potted plants in the two of 'em and stuck them in the guest bedroom back in CT. They stayed in the basement in IN, and they've surfaced again. Double drat.

Well, I best get out there and get elbow deep in these boxes alongside him. Maybe I can curtail some of the drama.

P.S. where did this word "drat" come from? And why am I using it? Believe me, I don't ever SAY it. Do I feel like I'm in a cartoon?? LOL


At April 24, 2005 7:12 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

anybody see where my toaster went?

I was really brave in my last move. If the box was still tapped shut from the move before I threw it away without even opening it.


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