Friday, December 02, 2005


I was fortunate enough to get a job with a 15-minute commute, and taking back roads no less! I pass a number of pastures. Lamas grazing in the first one, miniature horses in the second, majestic chestnut brown horses in the third, more horses and a dockey in the next and, occassionally, I see cows grazing in another one. It makes for a very enjoyable commute to and from work.

This area is developing fast, however, and I had my first twinges of sadness this morning. The logging trucks were pulling away with a huge truckload of trees that were cleared where yet another development is going in. It reminds me of where I grew up and the slight resentment I felt toward the "outsiders" moving in.

I really like it here. I realize you can't stop progress, but I hope some of the character and integrity of this and surrounding towns manage to stay intact.

Update: Oh, I noticed EMU in yet another pasture the other day! Quite the little menagerie during my short commute! (maybe this shows how little it takes to amuse me LOL)


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