Saturday, June 11, 2005

15 Minutes of Fame

During a vacation, my husband and I visited Mt. Vernon -- the home of George Washington. As we walked along the grounds, memories came flooding back of a trip I made with a fife and drum corps. I asked a park employee how often drum corps perform, mentioning that I had once marched up through here (pointing the way). He looked perplexed and said they don't. He explained only one corps is allowed to do that, and it's a corps steeped in history and tradition. I know the corps he's talking about ... they escorted us in and we performed on the lawn. A "mini parade" of sorts. I never knew as a kid, but we apparently had a special invite to do this. I can only assume someone in our corps knew someone in their corps.

So, as hubby and I strolled around the grounds, snapping pictures as we went, it occurred to me that somewhere out there are photographs of me during that event. I remember, after our performance and still in uniform, we were allowed to break off and run around (as kids do) and people were asking to take our picture. My friend and I would look at each other as if saying, "what on earth do they want our picture for?", just said, "Okay" and smiled.

So that is my claim to fame. I didn't have a clue people looked at us as a tourist attraction. How hysterical to think our pictures are in photo albums as part of their vacation memories! I believe I have a couple pics of that day. I'll dig them out and post them ... maybe someone out there will recognize us. LOL

Escorting us in. Posted by Hello


At June 11, 2005 10:46 PM, Blogger BikeMom said...

Love those pants!!!

At June 12, 2005 9:14 AM, Blogger Bobbi said...

You are such a brat.

At June 13, 2005 4:46 AM, Blogger Christopher said...


At June 13, 2005 4:51 AM, Blogger Christopher said...

I was just laughing at Babynteens and your comments.

I think its great and not geeky.

At June 13, 2005 6:59 AM, Blogger Bobbi said...

Chris ~ see what I put up with? LOL

At June 13, 2005 9:38 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

True, but a great friendship is what I see LOL.


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