Friday, March 25, 2005

Hanging out under the lights

As I drove through a strip mall parking lot with a million things on my mind tonight, I glanced over and noticed two guys leaning on their vehicles and talking. Everything else slipped away as I took in the scene. They had pulled in on the far side of the lot away from actual shoppers and parked crooked -- but a cool kind of crooked, to make somewhat of a v-shape. Do all guys do this at that age? You know the age; old enough to drive, but too young to get into bars, or too young to have money to do much of anything except put gas in the car, or to make that a designated spot to meet the gang and head out from there when all show up?

Just a passing glimpse of such an innocent scene and it brought back memories of the guys hanging out under the lights in our town and realizing the same scene is being played out at any given parking lot across America at any given point in time....


At March 26, 2005 10:45 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

When I was Driving in Canada earlier this year I saw the same thing in some of the small towns. It is common in MN also. Does seem like such a long time ago when I was doing the same type of thing. sigh


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