Saturday, June 28, 2008

Trivia about Myself

Stealing this from "Y" ....

What is in the back of your car? A Travel-size pillow and blanket for driving long distances with my husband, who cranks the air conditioning.

What color is your toothbrush? Yellow (received from my dentist office during my appt. last week!)

Name one person that made u smile today? Monique

What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Making fresh hummingbird nectar

What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Having dinner with my former co-workers

What is your favorite candy bar? Hersheys w/almonds, to name one

What is the last thing you said aloud? "See you next Thursday" (doing dinner again with the same women)

What is the best ice cream flavor? There is a place down here that has a White Raspberry Truffle which is awesome.

What was the last thing you had to drink? Diet Pepsi (a restaurant that actually serves Pepsi!! That's a big deal as most serve Coca-Cola products, as Coke is king here)

What are you wearing right now? Red t-shirt and beige capris, barefoot

What was the last thing you ate? Potato Skins (yes, that was my dinner!)

Have you bought any new clothes this week? No, but last week I did!

When was the last time you ran? I cannot remember - probably through a rain storm last month.

The last sporting event you watched? Ironically, the Yankees/Mets game JUST ENDED (on t.v.) as I got to this question! Live game? Atlanta Braves at Turner Field last Fall.

How do you like your popcorn? Lightly buttered and salted

Ever go camping? Yes, those were our family vacations when I was growing up

Do you take vitamins daily? I am bad and forget alot, but vow to do better!

Do you go to church every Sunday? No

Do you have a tan? Yes, a slight one, but not on purpose. The sun is just very strong here!

Do you like Chinese food over pizza? The pizza is horrible here, so I do tend to eat more Chinese food here. But, back in New York?? PIZZA, hands down!!

Do you drink your soda with a straw? Only when at a restaurant

Are you some-one's best friend? Yes

What are you doing tomorrow? Laundry, cleaning, reading the Sunday paper

Where is your dad? New York;950 miles from me

Look to your left, what do you see? A window, and a basket with a couple of magazines in it - and the card to my laptop plugged in to the outlet.

What color is your watch? square silver watch with a thin, dark-brown leather band

What do you think of when you think of Australia? Boomerangs (is that Australian?!)

Do you use chap stick? Sometimes

Do you have a dog? Not currently

Last person you talked to on the phone? My mother

Have you met anyone famous? Once upon a time I worked with Joe Gibbs, Bobby Labonte & Tony Stewart - and a bunch of other NASCAR people

Any plans today? I met four former co-workers for dinner. (I guess I should just call them "friends" as "former co-workers" is a mouthful)

How many states have you lived in? Four: New York, Connecticut, Indiana, Georgia

Do you dye your hair? It's been highlighted a bunch of times over the years.

Can you say the alphabet backwards? No, and I'm not even going to try unless you want a real good laugh.

Do you have a maid service clean your house? Yeah, right .... that's hilarious

Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? I typically wear a pair of brown "weave" sling-back sandals. Comfy, practical, and go with most everything :)

What color is your car? Dark blue (not the most practical in the South)

Do you like cats? Yes, and my neighbor's cat must know that because he comes up my driveway for a sratch behind the ears when he sees me.

How did you get your worst scar? Riding a banana-seat bike, with my best friend on the back, down her stone driveway; hit the front brake and we both went flying over the handle bars. My knee was cut up real bad. My friend? She landed on me and wasn't hurt!


At July 01, 2008 6:52 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

so many things that we are so alike on.....

At July 01, 2008 10:04 PM, Blogger Bobbi said...

ha ha ha ... do tell!


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