Saturday, January 19, 2008

Twice in One Week

It is snowing again today. And again, a really, really good snow!! I, unfortunately, cannot get a good pic of it coming down because it is too bright out. You'll just have to take my word for it (when have I ever steered you wrong? LOL).

I filled the birdfeeder and suet feeder the other day, since I heard the freezing cold weather - and snow - was on its way. Generally, I don't get a lot of action on them because the birds can forage easily during the winter. HOWEVER, with snow blanketing the ground, I have quite a few visitors!

We've got a slew of tufted titmouse, some sparrows, juncos, goldfinches, a chicadee or two and, of course, our ever-faithful - and very large - male cardinal w/black mask on his face. (He usually makes an appearance before I leave for work and again at dusk.) I really wish I could get some pics of the birds, but no such luck. Again, you'll have to take my word for it :o)

I haven't seen the little downy woodpecker on the suet feeder, though. Hope he makes an appearance. He's taken drinks out of our hummingbird feeder during the summer, as well as eaten the suet last winter.

Some of these birds are northern birds wintering here in the South, so I can easily pick them out. You see, I learned everything I know about birds from my father, whether during a walk in the woods while camping or sitting in our living room watching the birds on his feeder. It's funny what you absorb and remember, that you have no idea you're even doing. My husband will look at me with this dumbfounded look on his face when I come out with this trivia rather matter-of-factly. Then, he'll look at me as if to realize it's "my father talking." Hhmmm, I don't know if that's a good thing or not! (yes it is. I'm just kidding. My Dad is great)


At January 20, 2008 1:34 AM, Blogger Pamela said...

sounds lovely. I went on a local audubon walk today with a group of birders. It was so delightful.

But, we don't have cardinals here.


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