Sunday, August 12, 2007

When the cat's away, the mice will.. ??play??

Hubby left Saturday morning, and I spent the weekend cleaning out dresser drawers and rearranging my side of the closet. Not exactly playing, but it needed to be done. I e-mailed this picture to my husband so that he can see what I got rid of, because he'll take a look at the closet and not notice a difference (!) ... admittedly because there are an equal amount of shoes -- well, more -- remaining...

The majority are dress shoes that, now with casual attire in the workplace, I find I no longer need. All but one were very well worn and really needed to go anyway. The white shoes had not one scuff mark ... doesn't even look like I ever wore them! Obviously, I'm not a white-shoes kind of gal!!

Now I get to sit back and read the Sunday paper... maybe I'll even go out for a (small) ice cream sundae!


At August 13, 2007 6:22 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

Wow - I just did the same thing yesterday!!! I donated a bunch of stuff, and will have a garage sale next weekend to try to get rid of a bunch of other stuff.

At August 14, 2007 1:58 AM, Blogger Pamela said...

please come clean out mine, now that you have it figured out


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