Saturday, December 06, 2008

I purchased new Christmas lights for outside our house. They are LED - supposedly using less energy to burn - "green" (better for the environment) - and I really liked the way they looked lit on the in-store display. Hubby, however, was none to impressed when I brought them home. But, he humored me and put them up mainly because we've been married long enough that he knows not to argue - and that he'll like what I've planned. We've also been married long enough where he now voices his opinion. It used to be he didn't say anything and did whatever made me happy. I'll admit, I liked it better when he kept quiet and just did whatever made me happy! LOL

Anyway, I really like them during the day when not lit. They look like real icycles - which is a blast here in Atlanta where the 'native Atlantans' don't ever get to see real icycles and where 'northerners' are getting a treat seeing these authentic-looking ones. I'm not keen on how they look when lit, however. They are bright white. I thought they'd be more subdued, being LED. They certainly don't give me the impression they're using less energy!

I agreed I'd put color lights on our bushes, which I have not done yet. I'll have to do that tomorrow so that I can have them on when hubby returns home. He is currently in Tennessee on business.

Our friends from Maine send us a wreath every year. It is always beautiful, but somewhat of a challenge keeping it green. Although, if it stays as cold as it has been (27 degrees this morning!!) it will last longer than past years.

Well, without further adieu (is that right?!)... here are some pictures ...

There is no flash. There are no lights on. This is how much light these "icycles" are throwing off. Our front porch is completely illuminated:


At December 06, 2008 8:29 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

oh I like them! They sure are bright, tho....

At December 06, 2008 8:51 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Oh so pretty, but you need snow to really set them off. hee hee


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